Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Ending.

They are a thousand and one secrets out there,
they speak of tragedies to come,
and dreams to sweep you off your feet,
they will offer helping hands,
and suddenly leave you on your own,
but I promise you,
You will have a happy ending.

Monday, October 26, 2009

One second.

She whispered:
"Let's run away from here. Let's tell our hearts lies, and pretend our love is like the starry skies, smile our worries away for awhile, even if for one second. Let's pretend our souls are not torn and drown ourselves in the ocean of hope. Let's jump off the cliffs of misery. Let's pretend we are not afraid. Let's pretend when everything is over, you will never leave. Let's be everything, that we can never be.Even for just one second."

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Who she is.

I wish I had beautiful things to say about the fairytale stories, where I played the princess, with my gorgeous dress, and a smile that would make anybody's heart stop. I wish I had those stories to tell, with happy endings, and perfect scenarios. But I'm just a kid, who believes she is destined to tragedy, who gazes at the sky every chance she gets, and hopes for a new beginning.No fairytale, no Shakespearean inspired exchange of words, just a kid with a pessimistic mind who sees nothing beautiful in someone stealing her heart away.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


What if the world stopped spinning, and the stars no longer exploded in the dark night skies, would it be forever then?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Holding on

It is so hard to hold on,
Hold on to what belongs,
but nothing ever lasts,
not even the past.
Diving into the ocean of lies,
my heart flying into the gray skies,
holding on is so hard to do,
even if they are memories about you.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I wish.

I wish all the things I saw were beautiful.
I really do.
I can't explain.
telling you I'm falling,
is a regretful pain,
I'd rather say I'm flying.
simply so you could believe,
the beauty I see,
in those starry skies,
you like to whisper about.
when truly all I see is dark abyss.
Of nothingness.
I wish all things I saw were beautiful.
I really do.
Then maybe I could finally fall in love with you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Every word uttered.
Every note sang.
Every wish wished.
Every smile attained.
Every tear fallen.
Every dream relived.
Every love song strummed.
Every moment.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I am not an insomniac because I desire to be a night owl, or to gaze endlessly at the mysterious dark night, I am not an insomniac because I search for shooting stars to wish on, or to feel the chilly autumn breeze give me goose bumps, or avoid the eerie world of surrealistic tragic and bloody night terrors. The only reason I am an insomniac is because I fear the moment my head hits the pillow, my sweet lullaby would be the crystal drops that fall down my cheeks swiftly and silently, spewing liquid words of my heart's distraught.